Latin 202-02
Introduction to Latin Poetry
Spring, 1998

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  Contents of this syllabus:
  --Instructor Information
  --Meeting Place and Time
  --Important Electronic Addresses
  --Course Description
  --Required Textbooks
  --Assignments and Grading
  --Important Course Policies
  --Attendance Policy
  --Course Calendar
  Instructor: William Hutton
  Office: Morton 326
  Phone: 221-2993
  Office hours:  MWF 11-12 a.m. and by appointment.
  Time and place of Class: MWF 10-10:50, Morton 343
  Important Electronic Addresses:
  Class web page:
  Class e-mail list:
  Instructor's e-mail address:  
  Course Description:
       This course is an introduction to original Latin poetry.  We will
  focus on the lyric and elegiac poet Catullus (ca. 84-54 BCE) and on
  Vergil (70-19 BCE), author of the epic poem Aeneid.  Both Catullus and
  Vergil were amongst the earliest and best Roman poets working in their
  respective genres, and both of them were highly influential in the
  development of later literature.  Vergil's work in particular set the
  standard which nearly all those who wrote on heroic or epic themes
  strove to emulate throughout the subsequent history of Western
  literature.  Both poets are excellent representatives of the great
  blossoming of Latin literature in its so-called "Golden Age" in the
  first century, BCE.
       In the course of reading the poetry in the original Latin, our
  main goal will be to continue the development of your grasp of Latin
  grammar and vocabulary.  We will also work on getting you attuned to the
  sound and rhythm of Latin poetry (two qualities that are important in
  the study of any type of poetry), and get you thinking about the sort of
  fundamental issues of literary interpretation for which the study of
  classical literature is so valuable.
  Required Textbooks:
  D. H. Garrison, The Student's Catullus.
  Vergil's Aeneid Books I-VI.  Clyde Pharr, ed.
  Vergil, The Aeneid.  W.F. Jackson Knight, trans.
  Assignments and Grading:
  Your grade will be calculated as follows:
Attendance and Class Participation:
Assignments and Exercises:
Midterm exam:
Final exam:


Attendance and Class Participation:
Assignments and Exercises:
Midterm exam:
Optional Project (see below):
Final exam:
  With either option you can fail the course by amassing too many
  unexcused absences (see "Attendance Policy" below).


  NOTE: Your grade will be calculated on a strictly numerical basis and
  converted to letter grades on the following scale:  93-100 = A; 89-92 =
  A-; 85-88=B+; 81-84 = B; 77-80 = B-; 74-76 = C+; 71-73 = C; 68-70 = C-;
  64-67 = D+; 60-63 = D; 55-59= D-; Below 55 = F.


  Explanation of Grade Components:
  --Class participation: Includes attendance, preparation, participation
  in discussion, cooperative attitude.  Your grade for class particiption
  will be adversely affected by the following (this is not an exhaustive
  list): Missing class without a very good reason (SEE ATTENDANCE POLICY
  BELOW) tardiness, obvious lack of preparation, not participating in
  discussions, frequently sleeping in class (particularly if you snore),
  eating noisy food in class, in general, being inconsiderate.
  --Exercises and assignments: Exercises will be assigned and collected
  from time to time.  They will include brief translations and other
  written exercises, metrical analyses and oral readings of poetical
  texts, brief oral reports.
  --Optional Project:  You may, in return for a reduced emphasis on the
  final exam, complete a project in a format and on a topic that you and I
  agree upon.  These projects will be on the scale of a 1500-word research
  paper, a 10-minute oral report or something of that ilk.
  --Midterm Exam and Final Exam: will have the same basic format, and will
  include the following elements: Translation of passages (both seen and
  unseen), brief essays commenting on passages covered in class, questions
  on grammar and poetical meter.


  Important Course Policies:
  No late assignments will be accepted.  No make-ups will be given for
  the quizzes or the midterm exam except in the case of dire  and
  verifiable circumstances.  Special arrangements for the final exam, if
  necessary, will have to be arranged through the College.  I have no
  authority to make such arrangements.


  Attendance Policy:
       This is a small class that depends on the participation of every
  member for success.  For that reason attendance is required.  If you
  must miss class because of unavoidable circumstances, let me know ahead
  of time, if possible or, at the very latest, no more than 48 HOURS after
  the class that you miss.
      If you don't do so, your absence will be considered UNEXCUSED. 
  You are allowed one unexcused absence without penalty in the course of
  the semester.  Any further unexcused absence will cost you one
  percentage point from your final grade.  If you miss more than five (5)
  classes unexcused, don't bother coming back: ANY STUDENT WHO ACCUMULATES
TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE: There is some wiggle room here, but the
  following things will remain constant: 1) Quizzes and the Midterm Exam
  will be on the dates given here. 2) The FINAL EXAM will occur as
  scheduled by the College.  3) Any readings indicated should be com-
  pleted BEFORE the date for which they are listed
       Week 1
  Jan 20 Introduction
  Jan 22 Catullus: Read Garrison's introduction and Poems 1 & 2
       Week 2
  Jan 25 Catullus Poems 3,5
  Jan 27 Catullus 27, 50
  Jan 29 Catullus 32, 99
       Week 3
  Feb 1 Catullus 32, 99
  Feb 3 Catullus 84, 16; QUIZ I
  Feb 5 Catullus 69, 28, 49, 93
       Week 4
  Feb 8 Catullus 7, 51, 83
  Feb 10 Catullus 92, 104, 87, 70, 79, 86
  Feb 12 Catullus 72, 75, 8
       Week 5
  Feb 15 Catullus 11, 58
  Feb 17 Catullus 76
  Feb 19 Catullus 107, 109, 101 QUIZ II
       Week 6
  Feb 22 Vergil: Excerpts from Book I
  Feb 24    ""    ""       ""   ""
  Feb 26 Vergil: Excerpts from Book II
            Translation: Books I & II
       Week 7
  Mar 1 Vergil: Excerpts from Book II
  Mar 3 Vergil: Excerpts from Book III
  Mar 5 Translation: Books III and IV: Quiz III
  Mar 8 - 12: SPRING BREAK (Whoopee!)
       Week 8
  Mar 17 Vergil: Book IV
  Mar 19   ""     "" ""
       Week 9
  Mar 22 Vergil: Book IV
  Mar 24 Vergil: Book IV
  Mar 26 Vergil: Book IV; QUIZ IV
       Week 10
  Mar 29 Vergil: Book IV
  Mar 31 Vergil: Book IV
  Apr 2 Vergil: Book IV
       Week 11
  Apl 5 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 7 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 9 Vergil: Book IV QUIZ V
        Translation: Books V & VI
       Week 12
  Apl 12 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 14 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 16 Vergil: Book IV
         Translation, Books VII - IX
       Week 13
  Apl 19 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 21 Vergil: Book IV
  Apl 23 Vergil: Book IV QUIZ VI
         Translation: Books X - XII
       Week 14
  Apl 26 Vergil: Excerpts from Book V
  Apl 28 Vergil: Excepts from Book VI
  Apl 30 Vergil: Excerpts from Book VI
   Thursday, May 6, 1:30 p.m.: FINAL EXAM