Latin 101-01 (CI-I)
Elementary Latin: First Semester
Fall, 2000 (MM)
Contents of this syllabus:
Instructor Information
Meeting Place and Time
Important Electronic Addresses
Course Description
About the Tutorial Section (Latin 101L 01)
Required Textbooks
Assignments and Grading
Important Course Policies
Course Calendar
Instructor: William Hutton
Office: Morton 326
Phone: 221-2993
Office hours: MWF 11-12 a.m. and by appointment.
Time and place of Class:
Section I: MWF 9-9:50, Morton 343
Section II: MWF 10-10:50, Morton 302
Tutorial (Lat 101L 01) time and place: TBA
Important Electronic Addresses:
Class web page:
Class e-mail list: (click HERE to find out how to subscribe)Course Description:
This course will introduce you to one of the most important languages in the history of the world. Latin was the language of Rome and the Roman Empire and an international language of learning, law, religion and culture up until recent times. I mportant people who wrote in Latin include the famous politicians Julius Caesar and Cicero, poets Vergil, Ovid and Catullus, the historians Livy and Tacitus and early Christian writers such as Sts. Augustine and Jerome.
In the first semester we will cover the first 21 chapters of the main textbook, Wheelock's Latin, focusing on the fundamentals of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. We will also get plenty of practice reading continuous paragraphs of La tin that gradually get closer and closer to real Latin.
About the Tutorial Section: All students must sign up concurrently
for Latin 101L01, which is a tutorial session that meets once per week. The time and place for this tutorial will be determined after the first week of classes, once we all know what our schedules look like. In these sessions we will do additional dril ls and exercises and read from the Thirty-Eight Stories book for practice reading extended passages in Latin. This will also be a time for you to ask for more help on things that you are having trouble with. Attendance at tutorials is REQUIRED exce pt for those who earn a grade of "A" (93% or better) on TWO consecutive quizzes. Even for those students, attendance at tutorial is highly recommended.
Required Textbooks:
F.M. Wheelock, Wheelock's Latin, Revised by R.A. LaFleur, ed. (SIXTH EDITION, HarperCollins, 1995).
A.H. Groton and J.M. May, Thirty-Eight Latin Stories (FIFTH EDITION, Bolchazy-Carducci, 1995)
A. Cumming and M.W. Blundell Auricula Meretricula
Optional Textbook:
N. Goldman & Szymansky, English Grammar for Students of Latin
Assignments and Grading:
Your grade will be calculated as follows:
Class participation: 10%
Exercises and Assignments: 5%
Quizzes (best 10 out of 12): 20%
Midterm exams (15% each): 30%
Final exam: 35%
NOTE WELL: Attendance is also required in this class. For each UNEXCUSED absence over the two absences allowed (see "Attendance Policy" below) you will lose one percentage point from your final grade average, and if you have more that five (5) unexcuse d absences, you will be given an "F" for the course!
NOTE: Your grade will be calculated on a strictly numerical basis and converted to letter grades on the following scale: 93-100 = A; 89-92 = A-; 85-88=B+; 81-84 = B; 77-80 = B-; 74-76 = C+; 71-73 = C; 68-70 = C-; 64-67 = D+; 60-63 = D; 55-59= D-; Below 55 = F.
Explanation of Grade Components:
Class participation: Includes attendance, preparation, participation in discussion, cooperative attitude. Your grade for class participation will be adversely affected by the following (this is not an exhaustive list): Missing class o r tutorial without a very good reason, frequent tardiness, obvious lack of preparation not participating in discussions, not participating in e-mail discussions (see below), frequently sleeping in class (particularly if you snore), eating noisy food in cl ass, in general, being inconsiderate.
e-mail discussion: to promote the use of this avenue of communication, each student is required to send at least four (4) PERTINENT messages to the class e-mail list. At least two of these must be responses to other students' messages.
Exercises and assignments: Exercises from the textbook and other assignments will be collected occasionally, but not every time. You will also be given occasional small assignments in addition, such as supplementary exercises, short compositions in Latin, pronunciation exercises, etc.
Midterm Exam and Final Exam: will have the same basic format, and will include the following elements: Translation of short sentences from Latin to English, translation of even shorter sentences from English to Latin, exercises on grammatical fo rms and translation of long paragraphs from English to Latin.
Important Course Policies:
No late assignments will be accepted. No make-ups will be given for
the quizzes under any circumstances (note that you can drop two of the
quiz scores). Make-ups for the midterm exam will be granted only under
dire and verifiable circumstances. Special arrangements for the final exam, if necessary, will have to be arranged through the College. I have no authority to make such arrangements.
Attendance Policy: Since learning a lanugage is a communal experience, your presence and participation in the class is essential. For this reason attendance is not only recommended but REQUIRED. If you must be absent from the class for illness o r any other compelling reason, talk to me beforehand or no later than 48 hours after the absence. If you do not obtain approval from me your absence will be counted as UNEXCUSED. You may take two unexcused absences without penalty (except that you will na turally be accountable for any assignments, quizzes or other graded work that you miss because of the absences). If you amass more than two unexcused absences, each absence, beginning with the third, will result in you losing one percentage point from you r class grade. If you amass more than five unexcused absences, you will be given an "F" for the course.
TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE: There is some wiggle room here, but the following things will remain constant:
1) We WILL cover all 21 chapters;
2) Quizzes WILL occur as scheduled below
3) The MIDTERM EXAMS as scheduled below
4) The FINAL EXAM will occur as scheduled by the College.
Week 1
Aug 30 Salvete discipuli!
Sept 1 Wheelock, Introduction and Chapter I
Week 2
Sept 4 Chapter I:
Sept 6 Chapter II:
Sept 8 QUIZ I
Week 3
Sept 11 Chapter III:
Sept 13 Chapter III
Sept 15 Chapter IV; QUIZ II
Week 4
Sept 18 Chapter IV:
Sept 20 Chapter V:
Sept 22 QUIZ III
Week 5
Sept 25 Chapter VI
Sept 27 Chapter VII
Sept 29 QUIZ IV; Review
Week 6
Oct. 4 Chapter VIII
Oct 6 Quiz V
Week 7
Oct 9 Chapter IX
Oct 11 Chapter X
Oct 13 QUIZ VI.
Week 8
Oct 18 Chapter XI
Oct 20. QUIZ VII
Week 9
Oct 23 Chapter XII
Oct 25 Chapter XIII
Week 10
Oct 30 Chapter XIV
Nov. 1 Chapter XIV
Nov 3 Review
Week 11
Nov 8 Chapter XV
Nov 10 QUIZ IX
Week 12
Nov 13 Chapter XVI
Nov 15 Chapter XVII
Nov 17 QUIZ X
Week 13
Nov 20 Chapter XVIII
Nov 22 Thanksgiving Vacation
Nov 24 (no class!)
Week 14
Nov 27 Chapter XIX
Nov 29 Chapter XIX
Dec. 1 QUIZ XI
Week 15
Dec. 4 Chapter XX Exercises
Dec 6 Chapter XXI
9:00 Section (Section I): December 15, 8:30 am
10:00 Section (Section II): December 18, 1:30 pm