CIV 150W: Ancient and Modern Travel
Instructor: Office Hours:
W.E Hutton MW 12-1 p.m.
Morton 326 TR 12:30 - 1:20 p.m.
221-2993 and by appointment.
Time and Place of Class: T-Th 11:00 - 12:20, Morton 329
Required Texts:
L. Casson, Travel in the Ancient World
J. Eisner, Travellers to an Antique Land
M. Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters
A. Kinglake, Eothen
Course Description: In addition to giving the reader
vicarious pleasure, travel literature can be a powerful
means of defining and exploring both cultural and personal identity.
This couse will introduce students to the study of travel literature
through accounts of travel in the eastern Mediterrnean and the Near East (Greece, Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Lands).
We will begin with the earliest European travel literature (Homer and
Herodotus) and work our way up to the 1990's. This course is a
WRITING INTENSIVE course; students will write a small paper nearly
every week and will also write two substantial research papers on travel
writers of their choice.
Components of your Grade:
Class participation: 15%
Weekly assignments 20% (in all)
Minor Research Paper 25% (in all)
Major Research Paper 40%
(no final exam)
Class Participation: Active participation is welcome and
expected from all students in each class session. Poor attendance and
obvious lack of preparation will affect this part of your grade negatively.
Weekly assignment: typically a brief 1-2 page written report on
varying topics related to what is being discussed in class. Minor Research
Paper: A 1500-word research paper on a topic to be agreed upon with the
instructor. One draft required. Term Paper: 2500-3000 word research paper on a topic to be agreed upon with the instructor.
Two drafts required.
Your overall grade will be calculated on a percentage basis and converted
to a letter grade at the end of the semester. The conversion will operate as
follows: 93-100% = A; 89 - 92% = A-; 85-88% = B+; 81-84% = B; 78 - 80% =
B-; 74-77% = C+; 70 - 73% = C; 65 - 69% = C-; 61-64% = D+ ; 57 - 60 = D;
53 - 56 = D-; below 53% = F
Policy on Unusual Circumstances:
No make-ups or special arrangements for papers and assignments will be granted
without verifiable evidence of severe personal affliction. If
circumstances prevent you from meeting deadlines, you must notify
me of your situation within 48 hours of the deadline, otherwise no special ar-
rangements will be made.
If I have not arrived at the classroom by ten minutes past the starting-time
of the class, you may assume that class is cancelled.
This schedule is subject to change, so find some way to keep abreast of things
if you can't make it to class. Changes will be posted to the class web
page as soon as possible.
Jan 22 Introduction
PART I: Ancient Travellers
Jan 27-29 The Beginnings, Homer's Odyssey as travel literature
Feb 3-5 Nausea and Bedbugs: the conditions of ancient travel
10-12 Herodotus: The first travel writer?
17-19 Pausanias, Herakleides and other travel guides
{Proposal for 1st paper due: Feb. 17}
24-26 Travel parody: Lucian and others
{Draft of 1st paper due: Feb 24}
Mar 3-5 The birth of Christian pilgrimage: Egeria
{First paper due, March 5}
(no classes)
17-19 Late Medieval and Early Modern travellers: Europe and the Orient
Readings from Moryson, Randolph and others.
{Proposal for final paper due: March 19}
24-26 A woman's view: Lady Mary's letters
Part IV: Hellenistic and Roman Women
31-2 Painters and Poets: Travellers in the 19th Century
Readings from Leake, Lear, Twain, etc.
6-8 The twilight of orientalism: Alexander Kinglake
{First Draft of Final Paper Due: Apl. 8}
14-16 The twentieth Century: travelling through war and upheaval
Readings from Fermor and Andrews
21-23 The latest travellers
{Second Draft of Final Paper Due: Apl 23}
28-30 Term paper discussions
Monday, May 4: Term Papers Due
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